Kamis, 13 September 2012

Analysis of "Cinderella's story" for children

In my opinion, Cinderella’s story emphasizes the relationship of human beings, especially the relationship of them in family. It relates for K2 students for their family is still become the center of their world(Women’s and Children’s Health, 2008). Kinds of family will determine kinds of their personality. Based on UNICEF’s report, one of the most causes of misbehavior children is they have broken home family(Anthony K. Kimani, 2010). In my first teaching practice in K3, there are several of my students who misbehave comes from the family which their parents are busy to work so that they lack of their parents’ attention. It makes them lacking of comprehension in understanding the content of the lesson and in doing their responsibility.
There are several things that can be learned through that story about the roles of family’s members. First, the story encourages all of us to love and respect our mother in all kinds of situation. Even if our mother in home is bad for she is our step mother like Cinderella’s step mother, we still have to love and respect her as our parent who has authority over us. God has given parents the authority over their children so that at five point of the Ten Commandment written that children have to respect their father and mother. We respect something not because we want to but because we recognize that we have to respect it for we see the object clearly as it really is in its own right(Robbin S.Dillon, 2010). It means that respect our parents requires us to see our parents as a represent of God’s authority so that we have to show love in our behavior to them even as we want to critique them. So do with our siblings, we have to love and respect them. Like Cinderella, who gave her two sisters home in the palace as the Prince married her. She shared her happiness with her two sisters although they already enslave her in the past and could make her become inferior(associatedcontent from yahoo, 2011).
Second, we learn through Cinderella’s characteristic to redeem the evil that given by her step mother and two sisters with her sincerity and kindness. Jesus has given us the example of being that kind of person. He never curses the people who crucified Him, even He have pray for them. So do we have to love our family although they have made us crying, pain, wound, angry and disappoint because we are Jesus’ follower so that we have to follow His way in forgiving people who betray Him.
Third, this story teaches us to be independent to do our works unlike the two sisters of Cinderella who always command Cinderella to fulfill their own need. God has given all of us the ability to fulfill our own need, so that we can not burden others including our family’s members. In the end, the persons like that will not get anything that meaning for their life, in this story they were not got the Prince’s love. They could get home in a palace and married with great Lords is only because of Cinderella’s kindness.  So that we have to start become independent persons through tidy up our own bedroom after get up, washing our own plate after use it and tidy up our toys after play it.
The third points above are difficult to be implemented, but it does not mean that we can not do that. There is still God that will help us to give us strength to do that. There is a part in human beings’ life that we can not do with our own strength for human beings have sin nature so that we need God to save us(ChristianAnswer.net, 1997). On Cinderella’s story, there is a part which shows the powerlessness of Cinderella as a human being so that her Fairy mother came to help her. In the real life, God is the only one who is love will powerful to help us to love, respect and forgive each other and also He will give us strength in doing our own responsibility through the process not in a click for it makes us glorify Him. We need to pray to Him all the time for His hands uphold our life. If we can do all of those things, actually we already have the real beauty for the beauty of person should be appear not just at her/his physical but also in her/his nature that showed through good relationship with her/his family.
associatedcontent from yahoo. (2011). Cinderella : A Behavior Analysis. Retrieved from http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/2636053/cinderella_a_behavior_analysis_pg2.html?cat=72
ChristianAnswer.net.(1997). Why does God allow innocent people to suffer. Retrieved from http://www.christiananswers.net/q-eden/edn-t023.html
Dillon, Robin S.(2010, September).Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy: Respect. Retrieved from http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/respect/#EleRes
Kimany, Anthony K. (2010).Free Online Research Paper : Influence of Family Structure on Juvenile Deliquency. Retrieved from http://www.freeonlineresearchpapers.com/family-structure-juvenile
Women and Children Health’s Network.(2008).Parenting and Child Health: Child Development 5-6 years old.Retrieved from http://www.cyh.com/HealthTopics/HealthTopicDetails.aspx?p=114&np=122&id=1868

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